A word about my father. My current camera, my first DSLR, was a combined present from my wife and mother, on my birthday following the unexpected death of my father in 2006. It was much more than I would have expected as a birthday present. In my mothers words, "Your father would have wanted you to have it." My father was a proud self-assured man who grew up in North London. He wasn't a high flyer. He was a grafter. He worked hard all his life in labour intensive jobs to provide for his family. He was never out of work and proudly boasted having three different jobs in one day on one occasion in his youth. Writing this reminds me how much I miss him. I take great pleasure from photography and while it was never a hobby for my father, I spoke of getting a decent camera before he died and I know from my mum that he wanted to see me pursue this interest. When I'm taking pictures, I am reminded of my father and this makes me happy. I dedicate this image to John 1931-2006. Husband, father, greatly missed, fondly remembered. My dad.
your words have greatly moved me and this is a poignant testimony you have for the love of your father. I lost my Dad in 1994 and not a day goes by without thinking of him and wondering "what if". For this reason I spend every second I can with my children and aspire to be half the man / dad we was to me. A great post, thank you for sharing.