Sunday, 8 November 2009

Star Turn

The time: Mid afternoon. The place: Aruba, Caribbean Sea. The star: This Brown Pelican.
Whilst swimming in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Aruba (as you do!) I was unable to avoid a pair of Brown Pelicans low flying over the sea and occasionally diving in for their next meal. Having got out and dried off, I returned with the camera for a couple of shots. Managed to catch this beauty as he caught sight of his next catch. Hope you like.

Birds of The Caribbean

The following pictures were taken on my recent holiday in The Caribbean.
This first example is a Magnificent Frigatebird. These were plentiful, throughout the area of the US Virgin Islands. These birds are famous for inflating the red throat pouch during courtship displays.

This Peregrine Falcon joined us mid-ocean for a couple of days. Beautiful bird and unexpected so far from land.

Stopping off for a quick nap on the ships rigging, this La Sagra's Flycather.

This Little Blue Heron. Taken at St Croix, USVI.

Lastly, back at Miami, this was one of a number of Turkey Vultures, circling the dock area.